The purpose of this research is to develop a first test protocol for testing the physique of riders on physical capacities needed for horse riding (rider-specific). Aiding in understanding the sport specific physical requirements.
At EquInnoLab. we have already developed a protocol for testing based on practical experience. Improving this protocol, and linking it to literature research and validated tests, will help us provide more value in our training services. We internally also want a test protocol that gives us additional information to interpret our kinematic 2D motion analysis.
This project is an internship by Imke Pastoor, student Biometrics from our partner Zuyd Hogeschool.
The goal of this project is to be able to measure all basic important physical traits of a rider in detail. The objectives of this project are:
- Gather knowledge from current research on physical traits needed for equestrian sports
- Order these traits based on physical, technical and tactical dimensions on the Competence Matrix of talent profiles as proposed by the NOC*NSF
- Explain the traits in as concrete and individual as possible body / physical characteristics
- Define program / protocol requirements
- Conceptual design of a protocol of as validated as possible tests
- Practicality testing of the protocol and assessing the value of output