The thesis period of our intern Kim Koopmans unfortunately came to an end last week. Nevertheless, she finished a really interesting project with great potential for the future. A short insight in the results and continuation of the pilot study are described in this news message.
The usability and potential suitability of the EquInnoLab. MOTION system were investigated during two practical testing days. A KWPN inspection was simulated and two KPWN inspectors were present to score horses as usual on a linear scoring sheet while the EquInnoLab. MOTION system recorded the required measurements. The collected recordings were processed by using the software program of EquInnoLab., and reusable formulas were developed. Some practical, as well as some analytical optimization points arose concerning the procedure and the software program of EquInnoLab. However, they are all doable to implement without costing much time or money. All involved KPWN inspectors and biomechanics experts saw the need to objectify the current talent recognition method and were optimistic about this research and about the potential for the future. Time-wise, no big differences were found between the current required time during inspections and the required time by using the EquInnoLab. MOTION system. Finally, the designed model is already able to measure 83.3% of the linear scoring sheet, as well as 11 additional aspects.
Due to these positive results, our intern recommended to continue with this project by measuring horses on a larger scale with the EquInnoLab. MOTION system. Both young horses as well as proven horses need to be measured to be able to compare results and to evolve new insights. As EquInnoLab. we want to thank Kim Koopmans for her valuable commitment and we are looking forward to continue this project with the KWPN.