Developing a 3D marker analysis concept for the specific Equestrian Sports application. Think of real life sporting areas, indoor and outdoor, and large subjects (horse and rider) with many markers.

The biggest challenge in this project, next to the hardware, software, and the development of a human marker model for the rider, is the part that we will do together with our German partner The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy: development of the appropriate marker model for the horse.

The goal of this project is to develop a marker model for the rider and for the horse, and to develop a prototype of a smart camera that works well in the specific application of the equestrian sport, tested at a 20 meter line, 60 meter line and a long diagonal.

The intended prototype concerns an innovative (partial) video analysis system, consisting of several static cameras, that are capable of recording all “lines” of a dressage test horse / rider in a competition arena and thereby analyze technique. The movement analysis, and thus assessment and identification of points of interest, using high-speed cameras and marker tracking has a key role in this. Being able to automatically connect training tips on a functional and technical level with coordinate data is of immense added value for equestrian sports, where nothing currently exists in this area. Everything we can give to one of the largest sports markets in the Netherlands is therefore immediately new and unique.

Currently, with only 2 cameras, we can perform an unsynchronized side and rear video analysis over a line of approximately 11 meters. From the images, and therefore also the coordinate data of these images, we can give functional tips for the training of the athlete with the knowledge of our two sports scientists. The goal we have in mind is a synchronized motion capture (supplement with infrared radiation and retro-reflective markers) from which 3d coordinate data can be retrieved, which can then be overlaid with video overlay for video images for real-time feedback, and automatically happens over the entire competition arena. from 20 meters by 60 meters.

This project is co-funded by DigiPro.